School holidays makes for logistics. Last week Amelia went to Auckland to spend a week of her school holidays with her grandparents. She was most admirably doted upon with visits and activities. Mean while, back at the ranch, we were back to one child but to compensate Sarah was was also back to one hand after a wrist surgery. So it panned out about even when it came to all round activity.
Just to make things interesting we sold my old car and brought a new one. A leap forward in a decade of car technology sure leaves plenty to play with. Go the bluetooth is all I have to say about that.
To make use of the new wheels over Easter we went for a mini road trip up the Kapiti coast to Otaki. More to see in Otaki than just a drive through, as it turns out. There is a little township and the big beach. Spent and hour on the beach soaking in some rare autumnal sunlight.
Easter also brings out the chocolate obsessions to the fore. Lucy demonstrated hers on Easter Sunday discovering her Easter egg before breakfast and tucking right in. This shot pretty much sums up guilty pleasures.
This weekend we travelled up to Auckland to visit the family and also to collect our missing eldest from her travels. Friday night we spent over a brilliant dinner with Mark, Vicki and Tania at a great Japanese restaurant down on the Auckland waterfront. Special mention goes to Mark as the only every commenter on this blog. Mark, don't let me hold you back; bonus points if you do it via the iPad2.
Saturday we caught up with family over Peter's second birthday and took the kids over to the Shore to visit my family. Sunday was the mandatory yum-char. You can never go too wrong with yum-char, if it gets boring you can always eat the food.