Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Rock Hopping At Ohakune.

On Easter Friday morning the family was packed into the car

and we drove up to Ohakune for a few days.

The aim was to catch up on house and garden maintenance before winter arrived truly. However we managed to get out for a walk and a play or two.

Took this shot on Friday of Amelia jumping between rocks at the back of Turoa Alpine Village. There is never any doubt that getting out the city into the country for a break is always a relaxing way to spend a weekend.

On Saturday I looked after the kids while Sarah caught up on work. Took the kids to see the carrot while

Amelia indulged in more rock hopping.

On Sunday I got stuck into cleaning up around the garden and drive way. Autumn sure creates some nice scenery, but a terrible mess for owners of leafy properties.

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